Cafe Cashier's Quest to Be a Receptionist 🏞️

The Persistent Dreamer πŸŒ„ | Sep 10, 2023 min read

Namaste from the enchanting land, where dreams are as vast as the Himalayas, and the journey to your dream job can be as challenging as summiting Everest! πŸ”οΈβ˜•

I’ve been working as a cafe cashier, collecting orders and change, but I’ve always harbored a dream of becoming a receptionist, welcoming guests with grace and professionalism. My journey is a rollercoaster of hopes, disappointments, and countless interviews, each with its own plot twist. πŸŽ’πŸ’Ό

Dreaming of the Reception Desk

With a heart full of dreams and a resume filled with determination, I embarked on my quest to become a receptionist. The thought of being the first face to greet guests at a hotel or office was exhilarating! It was like envisioning a starring role in my own Nepalese drama. πŸŽ₯🌟

The Joy of Interviews

I embraced each interview as an opportunity to shine, but it often felt like I was auditioning for a high-stakes theater production with no script. The questions, the nervousness, and the inescapable feeling of being under a spotlight - it was all part of the theater of life! 🎭🌠

The First Setback πŸ™

My first rejection hit me like a monsoon rainstorm in the middle of a sunny day. I’d practiced my polite telephone voice, imagined greeting guests, and yet, I was told, “We’ve chosen another candidate.” It was like tripping on a pebble while admiring a mountain view. πŸ”οΈπŸ˜”

The Journey Continues

Undeterred, I continued my quest, hoping each interview would bring me closer to my dream. But the road was full of winding mountain paths, not a straight highway. πŸ›€οΈ

The Second Setback 😒

The second rejection felt like losing my way in a dense forest with no map. “We found someone with more experience,” they told me. It stung like a mosquito bite in a jungle full of wild dreams. 🌿🦟

The Quest Lives On! 🌟

As I navigate this journey, I’ve come to realize that setbacks are a part of the adventure. They’re like unexpected landslides on the path - they slow me down, but they won’t stop me from reaching my destination. πŸŒ‹

So, whether it’s at the cafe or the reception desk, I’ll keep pushing forward, learning from each interview, and never losing sight of my dream. For in Nepal, where dreams are as grand as the mountains, there’s always another peak to conquer. πŸ—»πŸŒ„

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