Nippon Numbers- Part 1

The Numerical Sensei Enku | Mar 10, 2024 min read

Unleashing the Power of Japanese Numerals

Konnichiwa, aspiring numerical warriors! Prepare yourselves for a journey through the fascinating realm of Japanese numerals. I am your guide, the Numerical Sensei, and together, we shall navigate the path to proficiency in Japanese counting. Let us embark on this noble quest with courage and determination!

Mastering the Basics

Foundational Numbers (一, 二, 三) - The Pillars of Counting

In the world of Japanese numerals, the journey begins with the fundamental digits, serving as the building blocks of numerical expression. Let us acquaint ourselves with the foundational numbers:

Numerical Foundations:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
1 ichi
2 ni
3 san

Essential Beginnings: These characters represent the essence of counting in Japanese. Mastering their pronunciation lays a solid foundation for numerical proficiency.

Extending Beyond (四, 五, 六) - Expanding Our Numerical Horizons

As we progress in our numerical odyssey, we encounter additional digits that further enrich our numerical repertoire. Let us explore the extension beyond the basics:

Numerical Expansion:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
4 yon/shi
5 go
6 roku

Expanding Horizons: These digits extend our numerical vocabulary, broadening our ability to express and comprehend numerical concepts in Japanese.

The journey towards numerical mastery leads us towards the realm of ten, where we encounter digits that mark significant milestones in our numerical odyssey. Let us navigate towards ten:

Toward Numerical Mastery:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
7 shichi/nana
8 hachi
9 kyuu/ku

Mastery Awaits: These digits pave the way towards numerical mastery, bringing us closer to the complexities of ten and beyond.

Ascending the Numerical Hierarchy

Crafting Tens (十, 二十, 三十, …)

In the realm of Japanese numerals, the concept of tens forms a crucial cornerstone in numerical expression. Let us explore the art of crafting tens:

Tens Table:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
10 jyu
20 二十 nijyu
30 三十 sanjyu
40 四十 yonjyu/shijyu
50 五十 gojyu
60 六十 rokujuu
70 七十 nanajuu
80 八十 hachijuu
90 九十 kyuujuu
100 hyaku

Tenfold Magnificence: The character “十” represents the fundamental unit of ten. As we progress, we concatenate digits to form multiples of ten, crafting a numerical tapestry of increasing magnitude.

Elevating to Hundreds (百, 二百, 三百, …)

Behold the ascent to hundreds, where numerical magnitude reaches new heights. Let us ascend to the realm of hundreds:

Hundreds Handbook:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
100 hyaku
200 二百 nihyaku
300 三百 sanbyaku
400 四百 yonhyaku
500 五百 gohyaku
600 六百 roppyaku
700 七百 nanahyaku
800 八百 happyaku
900 九百 kyuuhyaku
1000 sen

Centennial Glory: The character “百” symbolizes one hundred, serving as the foundation for numerical expansion. Through concatenation and repetition, we unveil the grandeur of hundreds.

Reaching for Thousands (千, 二千, 三千, …)

In our quest for numerical proficiency, we ascend to the realm of thousands, where numerical abundance beckons. Let us grasp the essence of thousands:

Thousandfold Triumph:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
1000 sen
2000 二千 nisen
3000 三千 sanzen
4000 四千 yonsen
5000 五千 gosen
6000 六千 rokusen
7000 七千 nanasen
8000 八千 hassen
9000 九千 kyuusen
10000 一万 ichiman

Millennial Majesty: The character “千” signifies one thousand, marking a significant milestone in our numerical journey. Through diligent practice and exploration, we unlock the potential of thousands.

Venturing into Ten Thousands (万, 二万, 三万, …)

As we traverse the numerical landscape, we encounter the realm of ten thousands, where abundance knows no bounds. Let us venture into the expanse of ten thousands:

Ten Thousand Trails:

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
10000 一万 ichiman
20000 二万 niman
30000 三万 sanman
40000 四万 yonman
50000 五万 go-man
60000 六万 rokuman
70000 七万 nanaman
80000 八万 hachiman
90000 九万 kyuuman
100000 十万 jyuuman

Myriad Magnificence: The character “万” embodies the concept of ten thousand, representing a multitude of numerical possibilities. Through perseverance and dedication, we embrace the abundance of ten thousands.

Conquering Millions, Billions, and Beyond

Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
100000 十万 jyuuman
200000 二十万 nijyuman
300000 三十万 sanjyuman
400000 四十万 yonjyuman
500000 五十万 gojyuman
600000 六十万 rokujuuman
700000 七十万 nanajyuman
800000 八十万 hachijyuman
900000 九十万 kyujyuman
1000000 百万 hyakuman
Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
1000000 百万 hyakuman
2000000 二百万 nihyakuman
3000000 三百万 sanhyakuman
4000000 四百万 yonhyakuman
5000000 五百万 gohyakuman
6000000 六百万 roppyakuman
7000000 七百万 nanahyakuman
8000000 八百万 happyakuman
9000000 九百万 kyuuhyakuman
10000000 千万 senman
Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
10000000 千万 senman
20000000 二千万 nisenman
30000000 三千万 sanzenman
40000000 四千万 yonsenman
50000000 五千万 gosenman
60000000 六千万 rokusenman
70000000 七千万 nanasenman
80000000 八千万 hassenman
90000000 九千万 kyuusenman
100000000 一億 ichioku
Numbers Japanese Pronunciation
100000000 一億 ichioku
200000000 二億 nioku
300000000 三億 sanoku
400000000 四億 yonoku
500000000 五億 gooku
600000000 六億 rokuoku
700000000 七億 nanoku
800000000 八億 hachioku
900000000 九億 kyuoku
1000000000 十億 jyuoku

In the realm of Japanese numerals, the journey does not end with thousands or ten thousands. It extends into the realm of millions, billions, and beyond, where numerical grandeur awaits. Let us envision the limitless possibilities of numerical expression:


Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "one million"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "Ten lakhs" is "百万" (hyaku man).

Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "two thousand"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "two thousand" is "二千" (nisen).

Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "seventy-five"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "seventy-five" is "七十五" (nanajyu go).

Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "three hundred forty-six"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "three hundred forty-six" is "三百四十六" (sanbyaku yonjyuu roku).

Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "five hundred thousand"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "five hundred thousand" is "五十万" (gohyaku man).

Exercise: What is the Japanese word for "eighty-three million nine hundred twenty-four thousand seven hundred one"?

Hidden Answer The Japanese word for "eighty-three million nine hundred twenty-four thousand seven hundred one" is "八千三百九十二万四千七百一" (hassen sanbyaku kyuujuu niman yonsen nanahyaku ichi).

Like this kind of question? There are a lot more down below or at the right side of your screen. Practise there and you’ll soon be fluent. Happy Learning.

Your Numerical Odyssey Continues!

Congratulations, noble learners! You have embarked on a transformative journey through the vast expanse of Japanese numerals. Armed with newfound knowledge and unwavering resolve, may you continue to ascend the numerical hierarchy with confidence and grace. Until we meet again, may your numerical odyssey be filled with discovery, enlightenment, and boundless exploration.

Continue your numerical odyssey with our exclusive resources and interactive exercises below. Let the journey of numerical mastery unfold!

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